Back to me going back home...I decided to make a list of the top 5 things I am looking forward to & not looking forward to when returning home..(Gotta keep it PG-13 as my nosey wonderfully inquisitive mom and grating smart kid sister just might be reading this):
- My Grandma's food...OMG....u don't understand right now I would let mosquitos bite me in some strange places right about now just to eat some potato pudding, stew peas or just some corn meal porridge.
- My friends...and maybe my family...I miss having people around that truly get me. Like, just because I don't wanna jump in a dirty a$$ river or go hiking...doesn't make me "high maintenance" #dontjudgeme I'm a city girl to the fullest and I just don't enjoy that outdoorsy ish...I mean I will go to Central Park for a picnic and some rollerblading...I might even go to the poconos and stay in a cabin...BUT...a the forest... 0_O ::come on son:: (Ed Lover Voice). I'll go to that after-work lounge event, thank you. Also I just wanna speak in patois sometimes and can't...
- New York City...There is something to be said about the people that live in NYC. The artists... aspiring models/actors....dolla cab drivers..wholefoods market clerk...waiters....bartenders...train conductors...traffic cops....harlemites....I miss all of them....and can't wait to see what shenanigans I will get into involving one or all of the above.....
- RockBand...Yea so what it made it to the top 5...But you know you're gonna be at the first game night of 2010 at Poochie's house so don't even front. Just be prepared to battle TwinkleFingas on the guitar..ya heard...
- My Blackberry...eff an iPhone...#yeaisaidit
Top 5 Things I am deathly afraid of not looking forward to...
- Cold weather...Yea I know I was complaining about the heat but I don't really like the cold weather...mainly because I hate wearing extra clothing... #dontgothere
- New York City...yes I know a pro and a con....its dirty..smelly..and expensive. we have a love-hate relationship, but it works perfectly for the both of us.
- The Job Hunt....#Nuffsaid. I'm already annoyed by it and I haven't even left Thailand as yet.
- The Recession....Being in Thailand...You really forget that the rest of the world is in a recession. Everyone is so carefree over here and seem to have no worries...ladeee da de da...
- That long a$$ flight back you know whats its like to be in coach for umpteen hours? No Bueno.
jealous? pshhhh. you wish. i'm throwing a party once you're gone.
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