...So as the supa (SuphanBuri) gang gathered in Maddy's room for some post Ayyuthaya wrap up. Sam (our favorite Australian) warned us about the risks of going off with Strange Thai mean at 3am, in Bangkok. (not me of course, I have more sense than that; but others who will remain nameless) But he said not to, because we will indeed get raped. LOL... I think it was one of those things you had to be there for...
So Ayuthaya (why have I spelled this province 3 different ways) was very beautiful. Rich with history and other things of that sort that I care about but to an extent. There were about 7 temples or something like that....a few ruins...yea yea. Once you see one, you seen them all. I mean there were a few ruins that were pretty breathetaking...there were also 2 really huge Buddhas... one was 57 feet tall and the other 59 feet. Like okay I get it...but once you see one 59 ft tall Buddha you seen them all! LOL...I'm just sayin.... (being honest)haha
The other american teachers went to ayuthaya as well, but I went there to meet up with Heather and Claudia; Claudia's housemate Caitlyn came along as well and we had fun. We also got to eat some "authentic" Italian food. Yes, Italian food in Thailand...haha. (an Italian man who has been here for 4 years owns the place) I mean it was delicioso...I had Spinach Lasagna....I didn't think I missed spinach but i guess I did...Or maybe it was just cheeeese that i missed! mmmmm cheese!
wow lots of fun.. any Jamaican food. lol. be safe. kisses
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